Thursday, August 7, 2008

VBS Week

The kids have been going to VBS this week at the church where I teach preschool. They are having so much fun. They go from 6-9 every night and the church feeds them dinner. It is a pretty impressive event. This of course means Jack and I have had a lot of time together. Monday night we went to the park and walked. Tuesday we went to Andys. Last night we ran some errands, walked and split a girl scout mint cookie blizzard at DQ (yum yum). Friday night I think we will have a nice dinner together. Last night I made my rosemary penne chicken because I knew the kids wouldn't be here to eat it. I've enjoyed this bonus time with Jack and the kids are having a blast, but they are REALLY tired! I hope that our church will have a building next summer so that we could do a VBS. Of course we would never be able to cook and do all of this (financially) I would like to do one.
So last night on the way home I asked Jacob what his story was about. He said it was about Peter walking on the water. I asked him what happened when Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and he said "oh, he drowneded" It was so funny, especially to hear him put another syllable on the word.


Unknown said...

:O) I guess starting to sink would equate with drowning in a child's mind!

Jack said...

The world according to Jacob. He's a blast. = )