Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School

The boy's got off great this morning. They were actually up early. Jacob was very eager....I am sure that will wear off. We headed off and then had to turn around because I realized that Joshua forgot his crickets. He was supposed to bring in some "critters". Anyway, we walked Jacob in and he was fine. Joshua went by himself. I am so anxious to hear about their days. I keep looking at their schedules seeing what they are doing all day. I didn't cry, but I have been thinking of them all day and hoping they have met new friends and had a great day. I'll post more tomorrow.


sara said...

THEY LOOK SO CUTE, and grown up!!!!! Looking forward to hearing how it all went!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lydia said...

I can't wait to hear how it went! This week is insane trying to get ready for our long trip but I'm hoping to send you the sleepover pics soon.

Unknown said...

too precious! I love first day of school pictures!

fillup said...

Love the pictures! My boys are growing up so fast! So proud of them, and they are so handsome! I remember when you three kids were that age! Relish each moment, as they grow up way too fast!!!