Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I have been a busy beaver! This is what I have done today....
1. Slept till 8!

2. Ran to Target (the gift card was burning in my pocket)

3. Did 2 loads of laundry

4. Touch up paint the bathroom

5. Played with Jenna and her new doll house

6. Got all the clothes put on hangers for the consignment sale (that is only step 1)

7. Put my new comforter together

8. Took down curtains

9. Got another bag ready for goodwill

10. Made a blog entry!!!

I took down the shelf in the bathroom. I thought it was looking tacky. Michelle gave me this fish picture plus another one that I have not put up yet. I touched up some paint where there were marks. I bought this fish rug with my gift card (thank you Emma and Emma's mom). I also got my new comforter on. I still need some toppers as now I don't have curtains, I I don't have all the pillows out yet on my bed. I plan on painting my bedroom in January. Tomorrow I will take down the tree, and try to make more progress on the consignment sale!


jennwa said...

Wow that makes me tired just reading it.