Friday, December 28, 2007

Look How Far $5.50 Can Go.....

The Saturday before Christmas I started on my adventure....saving money! Actually, Joshua has gone through about 3 pair of jeans and really needed a pair, so I went to Kohl's. Kohl's had sent me this $10 if you spend $ I like that kind of a deal. I don't have a credit card with them, so I don't know why I get these deals. Anyway, I found a pair of jeans for Joshua on sale for $10!!! (so I got a free pair of jeans for Joshua!!) He was with me so I had him try them on (he is so skinny!). Then, I found this shirt for Jacob on clearance for $4.25. It's actually two shirts in one! Yeah! Total price $4.25. Then, Joshua and I went to Chick Fil A. I had a coupon for a free chicken sandwich, and he had one for a free french fry. We went to two different people and split it....cost.....$0. Next, I had one more coupon to redeem, so I got this storage container for my Christmas decorations (that are fragile or home made), markers, sharpies, pencils, and crayons.....cost $1.25!!! Wow!!! I LOVE TO SHOP!!! So, this is what we got:
1. chicken sandwich

2. french fry

3. jeans

4. 2 shirts

5. storage container

6. crayons

7. markers

8. package of sharpies

9 mechanical pencils!!!


sara said...

WOW. Amazing Jen!!!

fillup said...

Good work Jennifer! You remind me of your Aunt Joyce and myself. We both loved to get bargains like that all through the years, and would get thrilled by it and talk back and forth about it and all. I still LOVE bargains, and get excited also. You are a good shopper. Also, Pat was like that also when her kids were growing up, so we all loved talking about that. I miss Pat and Joyce so much. You went a long ways with your money. PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!


jennwa said...

Great job,I love Kohl's.

Pam said...

Good job! I love that kind of shopping!