Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I'm Broke!

Not only is it Christmas time, but Joshua lost yet ANOTHER tooth. I thought he would lose his other front tooth and then could sing that song, but he lost the one beside it. It just came out Friday at school!!! So, the tooth fairy is going broke! I am so glad he goes to the dentist in two weeks. I am really worried that he doesn't have enough room for the new ones to come in. Thank you to all of you who left a comment on Monday for my 1 year anniversary!!!


jennwa said...

The tooth fairy sounds like a good idea until it is time to pay up. I have 4 kids and a quarter just isn't good enough these days.This fairy is broke too.

fillup said...

Wow! Joshua you are getting to be an old man. Ha.
Guess I had better not serve corn on the cob for Christmas dinner?
Yes, as someone else said, prices have gone up, and a quarter doesn't do now. Grandma