Thursday, December 6, 2007

My Angel

The role of one of the angels will be played tonight by.......Jenna! Tonight is the three year old Christmas program. Now you know when you get a group of 30 3 year olds, things don't run too smoothly!! It is usually very hysterical. I will take pictures and show them tomorrow. Tomorrow night is Jacob's program. I have to live by my calendar during the months of December!!! Here is my angel playing on the computer. She looks like a pro, doesn't she? Jack is going to try to get a computer from work for them to have. The three of them argue all day when he lets them play with it! They all know a lot to close out windows, how to turn it off etc, and they have only played with it a few times!


fillup said...

OK Jack, now I have someone else to help us with our computer. It won't be long at all until Jenna, Jacob and Joshua will know more than grandma and grandpa about the computer. Grandma

jennwa said...

I bet that play will be great. I can not wait to see pictures.