Friday, January 11, 2008

Homework Help.....PLEASE!!!!

I am so stumped on a first grade project. As you know, Joshua has a project on the wood stork. We are doing very well on it. It's due next Friday, but we are both hoping to finish this Monday night. He even wants to finish. Last night I made him do one more section, and after that he told me he wanted to go on and do more. We need to do the adaptation of the animal. It says it must contain" an adaptation that your animal has, the reason/purpose of this adaptation. How does it help the animal? What would happen if the animal did not have this adaptation?" All on three short lines 5 inches long and less than an inch and a half wide. I want to say "Lady, are you nuts!!!" But now, here is my big dilemma. The Life Cycle of the wood stork. It says "labeled color pictures showing AT LEAST four stages of the life cycle of the animal, use arrows". I have searched everywhere and can't find 4 stages. I mean this critter is not a butterfly. He is born, he dies....that's my opinion!!! Each block is worth 4 points, and if he puts 3 or less, he gets only 1 point. I just can't figure it out. I asked my brother, who is one of the smartest people I know, and he didn't know either. If anyone can look up the wood stork and figure it out for me, I would be forever grateful. I can't believe I am stumped by a first grader's work! Happy Friday!!


jennwa said...

Would the stages be: egg, young, adult and death.
Egg- what color it is. maybe how big it is.
Young- how long it stays in the nest.
Adult- How long it lives, differences between male and female.
I do not know. I have a wild life fact book and that is how they describe the birds, I can not find the stork but I will keep looking.
And yes that lady is crazy.

jennwa said...

I also sent you an e-mail on preschool games I guess I sent it to the wrong place. I am going to do a post on preschool games in the next week. Have a great weekend. And do not work to hard on the homework.