Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Joshua Update

Joshua finished his project and turned it in yesterday....3 days ahead of the due date! I don't know what was harder...trying to write small in the lines, or getting the small pictures to fit. I won't have a finished product for awhile. They are going to cut it at school and make a cube and then display it in the library. Maybe I can go in one day and take a peek. He had his 7 year old checkup Monday too. He got two more shots. Of course, he is small like always. He does hit the chart though. He is on the 10% on height and weight, so at least he hits the chart!! He was a trooper through the entire thing. We have to go see and ENT specialist in February. The doctor couldn't see too well in his ear and thinks there could be some type of pocket in the ear drum. She doesn't think it is anything, but it could be another complication from the cleft palate. He already has to have 3 teeth pulled because of his small mouth! At least he is my brave one!


Unknown said...

I had NO idea Joshua was born with a cleft palate! I've known several people who had one, and it was always obvious. His doctors have done an outstanding job!

Glad y'all got to sleep in late. I am SO looking forward to Saturday!