Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Another Day

I went to preschool today because I knew I could sit the entire time. I did, but I feel so tired and a little light headed. Another co-worker told me it was the antibiotic doing that. I came home and checked the prescription and sure enough it says that it causes that. Thankfully, I only have one more day of that left. Other than that, I feel better. I still haven't had any pain medication since Sunday night. My side is sore and a little tender, but it isn't bad. Thank you, Monica for bringing dinner over to us last night! That was a huge help and a great blessing!! Joshua went back to school today. I think he was ready. He realized mommy was going to make him books, do his sight words, learn his Bible verse from last Sunday etc. I am going to take it easy the rest of the day and then tackle laundry tomorrow. (no aerobics tonight, obviously)


fillup said...

Good you are feeling better and Joshua back to school. You still have a ways to go, so please get some rest. Hadn't heard from you today, so decided to read your blog. Take care, and will be glad when you are back to normal and all.