Sunday, February 25, 2007

New Furniture

We got our new furniture delivered yesterday morning. I haven't even been able to enjoy it much. I have sat on the chair and ottoman, but I just haven't been able to enjoy it yet. I picked up the kids from mom's house yesterday, and that seemed to just really do me in. I stopped to get a sandwich, but didn't even touch it. I didn't take any pain medication until about 4 yesterday. I was sitting there and it hit just as hard, just as fast as the other day. We were supposed to go out with our friends, but I had to cancel. They were so sweet and drove all the way over from Apex to bring us dinner. Thank you, Traci! I was able to eat a little bit, but then the medicine started kicking in and I got really dizzy and tired. I slept on the couch from 7-11 pm and then went to my bed. Jack has been so good helping with the kids, and taking care of the house. Poor Joshua is really sick too. He is running a fever and is just lying around. Jack has been a big help. I feel so bad that I can't even take care of him right now! I am trying to drink, but I don't have much of an appetite. I think the nauseous feeling has finally left me, so that is good. I just need to keep drinking! Diet coke isn't even good right now, so you know I am not right (or was I right to begin with?). Things will get better. Just pray for little Joshua. It breaks my heart to see him like this. Unless he gets better, he will be home from school tomorrow. At least he isn't throwing up though!


sara said...

I have been thinking about you all day- and praying for you. Pastor mentioned you in church too. I just feel so bad for you.

I LOVE the new furniture!!!! It is SO pretty!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I absolutely love the new furniture! It looks so classy!
I feel awful that you are going through so much right now, with Josh being sick too. I will pray for you and hope you are well soon. Let me know if I can do anything for you.

Unknown said...

Hi, dear. I'm so sorry you are so ill! It CAN'T be fun at all. :( We are praying for you and am asking the Lord to give you some real relief tonight.
On a happier note, your new furniture is gorgeous. I can't wait to see it in person, and I can't wait until you can really enjoy it for yourself!
Much love and prayers,
Sarah Amanda