Saturday, February 3, 2007

Potty Training Success?

Ok, I am so excited. Jenna has kept her pants dry since Wednesday! She has even been pooping in the potty! She even did it at my mom's house. Could we actually be almost done with training? Knock on wood!! I went to Target yesterday trying to find her some "barbie" panties. She has a few princess ones, and I promised she could pick some new panties out since she was a big girl. She really wants Barbie, so I hope I can find them!! Way to go Jenna!

Jack and I had a date today. My mom watched the kids so we could have lunch and shop. I was only supposed to be gone 2-2 1/2 hours, but it ran a little over. We were shopping for furniture and I fell in love with this living room outfit. We have to think about it and pray about it (but the sale ends Tuesday!!). We ate at Moes and went to the flea market. Thanks mom! It's so nice to get out with Jack once and awhile! Sorry we took a little longer than expected!


sara said...

Great job Jenna!!!! That will be nice not to have to buy pull-ups anymore!!!