Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Some of My Other Kids

Yesterday was a better day. The main reason is because I got to go to aerobics last night. It is such a stress reliever. I also got to go to Walmart and get groceries BY MYSELF!! Thank you Jack for knowing that I need some time to myself away from the kids from time to time. Getting groceries was so nice last night. The day was also good because I had "my" kids. The school is full of sickness though, so I am holding my breath. I had 6 out of my 9 kids. Jenna's class had 4 out of 8 and 3 teachers were out. I have a feeling I will be working again today. She asked yesterday if I would come in if needed. Jacob's teacher, Miss Ann, wasn't feeling good yesterday, and she teaches every day, so they wanted me to be on stand by. I am really tired and would love a day to myself, but I guess I better work in case we get this crud! It would keep me from using vacation days, and if I didn't need it by next month, than it's just extra money.

This is Isabella and Stella. They are very sweet, well behaved little girls (all my kids are well behaved)
This is James. He only has one outside voice!! But he is too sweet!
This is Carter. He is a heartbreaker....and he LOVES to read!!!Ella is in front. She'll hug on you, but can be very stubborn too. Blake , James, Carter, Stella, and Isabella (notice I have, Stella, Ella, and Isabella?...gets confusing). Luke, Clifton, and Sumaiya were gone.


sara said...

cute pictures! I know what you mean about being by yourself! I had a dr. appt. today and was so excited just to go and sit in the waiting room-by my self and read a book!