Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Daddy's Little Princess

Jack let Jenna drive the other day (we do that from time to time only when we get in our subdivision). If I ask Jenna if she is my princess, she says "No, I am daddy's princess"!

Meanwhile, Joshua got a note yesterday in his folder for talking. (which is his normal problem when he gets a note). He knows that whenever he gets a note, he gets a spanking when he gets home. It's so funny because when they call his name from carpool line and he walks out, I can always tell if it has been a good day, or a bad day!! Yesterday, he got into the van and I asked him how things went. He says " I have to tell you something....mommy, everyone makes mistakes" Of course he was very serious, but I give him credit for trying to get me to forget about his punishment. It makes it that much harder for me too!!


fillup said...

Oh, no! My grandchildren driving already? Ha. Glad they are having fun! And, Joshua being so honest. I loved him saying "All of us makes mistakes." Tell Joshua that his grandma got in trouble all the time at school, but got into trouble again when I got home too, but it is lessons we learn. Wanting to talk all the time, sounds like Uncle Mark when he was little, and then cousin, Philip Shaver. He was always in trouble talking! Anyhow, Joshua, grandma is so proud of you! You are doing great!

Anonymous said...

She is such a princess!!!
That was cute the other day when I heard her say that.
Josh is funny, trying to win won over on his mommy, doesn't he know now, that we always win!! I know, Sam is getting to that point too.