Thursday, March 22, 2007

Open House

I am posting a little late today. I wasn't going to post at all, but then decided I would. We had preschool today. Things went well, but Ella was a handful again. After school, the kids came home and played outside. Then we picked Joshua up and Anna and Olivia followed us home and stayed and played outside for about an hour. We ate dinner and then went to Josh's school for open house. It was nice to see how he has improved in his journals. "Clifford" was there at the book fair. Of course, Jenna wouldn't get near him. At least Jacob got just brave enough to get near him. I was disappointed that my camera ran out of batteries and I couldn't get a picture of his Dr. Seuss bulletin board. It was cute. I did get a picture of his kite he made.

Joshua's is the pink kite.


fillup said...

Joshua, I like your kite. And Jacob and Jenna, like your pictures. Jenna, don't be afraid of Clifford. Remember we watch him together on TV when you are here? Jacob, like your picture with Clifford. Good job Josh. You are doing really good!! Grandma