Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It's Only Tuesday?

Jacob with Miss Kathy (on left) and Miss Ann...the best preschool teacher!!

I feel like I have done so much, and it's only Tuesday. Today was preschool. The kids were pretty good, but I couple of them got on the last nerve I think I had left. Just one of those days. I dropped Joshua off, and then Jacob suddenly remembered he forgot his "cars" for sharing, I had to turn around, run in and let him get his stuff. Then, after preschool, the three of us ran to Walmart to get groceries. I have to admit, the kids were good, even though I would much rather go by myself. I just unloaded them and now I have to run up at 2:30 to Joshua's school for the bookfair. I just feel I have spent my day running, but I have got a lot accomplished, plus, now I won't have to sit in carpool line, which will leave the kids more time to play!! I tried to sneak in and get a picture of Jacob telling about his "cars" but he had already had his turn before I could get in there.