Saturday, March 10, 2007

Family Night

We had a nice family night. We ate tacos and then went to Chick Fil A and let the kids play and had ice cream. That was something different and fun. After that, we went to Kohl's. I saw a beautiful picture that would go over my couch. It was $100, but 40 % off. I also saw a skirt and shirt I would love to have. Maybe next month I can get the shirt and skirt. I wish Christmas was around the corner and I would ask for Kohl's cards!!
We are going to yard sales this morning and then I am getting my hair cut and highlighted this afternoon. I'll feel like a princess for at least a day! I can never get my hair to look like the way she does it. After that, Tiffany is coming over for Jack and I to have date night. I am not sure what we will do or where we will go. Nothing is really playing at the movies that I would like to see, but I am glad to get out!!