Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Happy Tuesday!

One of my goals for the year was to do something little for Jack every week for the year. It could be something simple like leaving him a love note, surprising him at work, making him cookies, etc. I usually do it on Tuesdays, although I have switched days at times. So, today, I thought I would do my "happy Tuesday" on my blog. I just wanted Jack to know how proud I was of him. I can't believe how far he has come since I first met him. He has worked really hard, changed careers, and continues to work himself up. He has grown that way, and spiritually too! I can't believe the changes in him, and how far he has come. He works hard to provide for the family! He is traveling the world too! (He is off to Canada on Sunday). I love you, honey, and I am very proud of you!

Thank you also for letting me get out last night. I had one of those times where I just felt like I needed to go, and with him going to Canada next week, I knew I better take advantage of my time. I met Michelle last night and we ate at Moe's, shopped at Michaels and Target (and I got out of Target with only cough medicine!!!!) and then went to Cold Stone and ate and talked for about an hour. It was exactly what I needed!!! So to all my readers today....I can't do a little something special for all of you, but I can wish you a "Happy Tuesday"!!!!


fillup said...

What a blessing to read your blog. We agree. Jack is doing great in his jobs and we are so proud of him and love him, and we have also seen him grow in the Lord and he is a wonderful husband and father. We are proud of you too Jennifer. God has blessed us with you, your children and a wonderful son in law!! So glad you got out again. You need refreshed often with being a 14/7 mother and now with teaching in preschool etc. etc.

fillup said...

I meant a 24/7 mother.

sara said...

Glad you could get out !!!!!