Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Daddy's Helpers

We spent the weekend working around the house, and the boys were one step behind Jack. They love to help! I was able to get some much needed time alone yesterday. I ran to the mall and got two shirts for $4.50, and then I ran to Target. It was only a few hours, but I needed that time! I could do so much more, but we'll save that for the next time. Today we went to the park and met Melody and took our morning walk and then I have been running around ever since.


fillup said...

Way to go Joshua and Jacob! You are good helpers to Dad! Jenna, you are a good helper too. I always like the way you all help clear the table when you are here and not being asked to do so! Cherish all the times we have together! Proud of you Joshua, Jacob and Jenna!! Grandma

sara said...

Love Jacob's goggles...I bet they helped him be a "work man!"