Thursday, September 6, 2007

My New Addiction

I have this new addiction at the house. It's popcorn....but it's what I put on the popcorn that makes it so good. I heard Rudine talking to another mom at the pool, and I jotted down this easy recipe in my mind. It's just a stick of butter and a half a cup of brown sugar, a dash of salt, and a dash of baking soda when you are done (I am not sure what that does). You just melt it on the stove, stir, and pour it over the popcorn! It is so good!!! I LOVE easy things!!!

Tonight starts my annual football contest. I usually just play with my brother (and I know I beat him in one of them) but this year my mom and Jack are joining. Jack thinks he is the pro at this! He LOVES pro football, but I still think I can beat him. I also got into his competition with his best friend. Get this, I am in their "group" but I am not really competing. That doesn't sound fair! Guess they are afraid a girl can beat them!!!


Jack said...

Actually all of you can join Lai's group. We were going to play where the winner gets a dinner at the end of the season. If I play against you it's kinda like playing against myself. We can just play for bragging rights.

Mark said...

Mom got some of the surprises last year. When in doubt, always listen to Mom!

sara said...

MMMM that popcorn sounds so good!