Monday, September 3, 2007

Please Help Joshua's Class

Joshua's class is once again collecting the lid tops from cans. We are looking for those pop up type can lids found on soda cans, soup cans, and fruit cans. Sometimes you can find them on other things such as veggie cans and some dog food cans. If you could save those little tabs (I am not even sure what they are called) we would greatly appreciate it. They usually stop around mid April. The lids help the Ronald McDonald House and the class with the most gets a McDonald's party for their class! Thank you for helping Joshua's class!!!!


Anonymous said...

I could start saving these for you, but not sure I would ever see you to get them to you!!!

fillup said...

We will save the lift off tabs on cans for you also, and will tell the lady that works at a beauty shop and she saved some for you last year, so will tell her and some of our friends. Do you think the school will save Campbells labels too like some schools do to get equipment etc. for school? April gives us all lots of time to get them to you.