Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Busy Monday

We had a very busy start of the week. I had to go to Raleigh yesterday and since I had to go, Joshua wanted to go to VBS at our old church with Travis. So, we got up early and headed over there. It was nice to see our old friends and pastor. I dropped him off, and ran to the fairgrounds to get my leftover stuff. I did very well! I had one toy left, one video and only 18 pieces of clothing left. At least my closets are cleaned out now! I can't wait to get the check to see how well I did. That usually comes in a week. After that, I ran to Old Navy and Target and then met Traci, Travis and Joshua at Chick Fil A for lunch. She had brought Kennedy and Kelcey with her (some children of our other friends), so the kids had a great time playing with all their old friends. It made me miss everyone again. We came home and played and then left for VBS here in Clayton. Jacob and Jenna had a blast. The church feeds the kids dinner every night. Last night it was spaghetti. Jack and I went to Logan's for his birthday. I enjoyed the time with him. So, the kids are very tired. Joshua found out late last night that Travis was coming back to VBS today, but I am not going to try to wake them early after a late night and take that LONG drive. I may take him again tomorrow if things go well tonight.