Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Like Father, Like Son

Jack did some trimming last night and Joshua wanted to help. He found his "goggles" and helped Jack. He was funny. I definately had to backup when he was using it!!! Yesterday, we went to Jack's work to surprise him. He took us to lunch at a Mexican restaurant, so that was his "Happy Tuesday" this time (I am running out of things and ideas!!!). The kids and I really enjoyed that. We came on home and I got on the rider to do the yard and worked on the consignment sale stuff. I tell you, that sure is a job, but I made A LOT of progress yesterday. I still have a way to go, but my goal is to have all the inside stuff done before I leave on my trip (we have bikes and stuff that I need to tag outside). Jack and I also watched "Flicka" which was a good movie!.

We are taking it easy today. I gues we will run to one yard sale (yes, I found one on the 4th...this is our last weekend to find re-sale items) and to Walmart and then I plan on working more on the consignment stuff and enjoying the time with Jack! Happy Fourth of July!!!


fillup said...

Wow Joshua! You are a big boy helping your Dad, and look at you using the whip! You soon will be big enough to just do it on your own and help Grandpa!!!!

Have a Happy 4th. That was nice you all went to Daddy's work and went out to eat. Fun huh?

Love you Joshua, Jacob and Jenna (Daddy and Mommy too)

Grandma and Grandpa

sara said...

Cute pictures!!! Love the goggles!