Friday, May 11, 2007

Mother's Day Number 2

Joshua with his teacher, Ms. Beasley

So today I got the privilege of going to Joshua's school for mother's day. They did a lot of art work and also sang a couple of songs. We were treated to some snacks and then I got to take Joshua home. It was a very special time because I had Mikayla watch Jacob and Jenna for me, so we had some "alone time". It's been very nice having this time with my kids. It makes me feel special. Here are the answers Joshua gave
My mom is as pretty as
"a flower"
Her favorite food

When I was little I used to...
"play with dolls"
I think mom looks funny when she
"is watching my play soccer"
I know she is really angry at me when she...
"puts me in time out"

I wish my mom would "go to a restaurant" with me every day.
I wouldn't trade my mom for
"a toy"