Thursday, March 6, 2008

Party of Five Please......

Sometimes I feel like I am running a full service restaurant and hotel. My kids have gotten in a bad habit of wanting to know what is for every meal!! Joshua for some reason now gets in the car and asks me "what's for supper?". How about "Hi, mom, how are you, I missed you today, what's for supper?". Now they wake up and the first thing out of their mouths are "what's for breakfast"? Well, we don't eat anything fancy for breakfast kids. You know it's either pop tarts, bacon, toast, waffles, or hashbrowns. There are days like today where I would just like to figure out what to wear first!!! One day I would love for someone to cook for me (and clean up after)

Then yesterday I wondered how we have so much laundry. I know we are a party of 5 (hmm....that could be a catchy blog title) but why can't I ever get caught up on laundry? Just when I get caught up, there is another load waiting. I think the clothes get up and walk or something! Welcome to another day in the life in the McLean Household! I'll post later today with Joshua's surgery time. I should find out between 2-4.


Unknown said...

:O) You mean you don't post menus like the school cafeteria does?!

And you think laundry now, just wait 'til your boys become interested in the opposite sex and want to take two showers a day! :O)

Hope things go smoothly at the dr.'s office.

jennwa said...

I do not even want to discuss laundry. It is a never ending battle for me. I try to tell myself at least I do not have to wash all this stuff by hand like in the old days. But that does not seem to help.

My kids always ask what is for dinner too. My favorite is when they come in and say, "Yuck what is that smell?" And I get to say," That is your dinner cooking."

fillup said...

Oh, my, what goes around, comes around. This sounds like a record of when you, Mark and Catrina were growing up. You too, would say, what is for lunch, dinner or breakfast, and when we would take trips, we had no more ate, than you all would say, when do we eat again????? Interesting. Mom