Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thunderstorms, Joshua, And More

I am a 3? year old woman (no need to show how old I am) and I still don't like thunderstorms. Last night, I must admit, I was scared. Poor Jack didn't get much sleep. I think by 12-12:30 I finally dozed off. I remember as a little girl growing up in Illinois, how scared I was of them. I remember how I used to crawl under my covers thinking this would protect me somehow. I also remember thinking the thunderstorm was over, but in Illinois, our storms would change directions or something, and come right back and I would be right back under those covers. Luckily, my kids slept through the entire thing!!!

Joshua did well during his appointment, although there was nothing too it. We had to watch a video about the procedure, which he said was very boring! They gave us instructions like no food or water after midnight, what to expect, blah blah blah. I won't know until Thursday afternoon what time his procedure is, but I'll try to give a quick blog once I find out. Joshua was asking me a bunch of questions. I know it is very simple, but I am nervous about it. At least Jack will be with me.

I survived yesterday. I got home at 4:10 and then scrambled to get the meal for Kathy prepared. Thankfully, I had cooked the chicken in the morning, or things would have been bad. I left about 4:45 and took the meal over to her. We got home after 5 and I came home to all the dishes I had messed up during the entire process. That made me mentally exhausted! I got through them, got our meal prepared (thank goodness we had baked potato and salad), got Joshua's homework done, kitchen cleaned, and baths complete! I am so glad all my days are not rushed like that! I told Joshua I was sorry that his day was so rushed, and he said "it's ok mom...I don't mind, and you can't help it). Maybe I can sleep in carpool line today!!!

Oh, and right now Joyful Jay-walking is winning. If you want to vote on blog titles, see yesterday's entry and pick your favorite!


Unknown said...

Joshua's comment about the movie being boring cracked me up...Bobby's 5 year old nephew has a friend with leukemia. After the doctors explained the disease and chemo treatments to him, they asked him if had any questions. He nodded his head yes, and his parents held their breaths wondering what he would ask. "Can I still go to Chuck-E-Cheese?" was his only question.

jennwa said...

We had those storms too and my kids were very scared. The winds were bad.

I hope everything goes well at the doctors.