Saturday, March 1, 2008

Family Fun

My brother noticed that I hadn't posted in two days and wondered if I was ok. Yes, I am ok! We didn't have much going on, and I was a little sad with Jack being gone plus not being able to go on the ladies retreat, but he is back and things are better. I think he missed me and felt bad for me, so today we took the kids bowling. It was so funny. Joshua did really good (takes after his mama ha ha) Jacob "threw" the ball, and Jenna just rolled it. I practically fell asleep while her balls were going down, but we had a great time. We had two coupons for Texas so we went there after. It made me feel better about not going. I am happy to have Jack home!!


Unknown said...

Love the pics! I think it is great that you and Jack took your kids out for something like that!