Wednesday, August 29, 2007

3 going on 13!!!

Wow, that Jenna is a trip! Yesterday, I pulled my hair straight, and she wanted her hair done the same way. Then, she kept asking me "does my hair still look pretty?". She kept saying she wanted her hair to look like mine (I don't know why!!). I certainly do not spend a lot of time primping myself, so I guess she takes after daddy (ha ha)!

The kids and I went to the park yesterday and today for a morning walk. I have to say my kids were absolute angels! I was able to pull them in the wagon and have a nice walk. Both days I was there, I saw Melody, the lady I work with. She told me today that we only have one child returning back to our class and that is Blake. Blake is a sweet child. I was hoping to get Ella and Stella again, but we did get two girls from Jacob's class year, Cassidy and Ryann (yes that is a girl). They are adorable girls and I am anxious to work with them. We have a lot of girls in our 3 year old class too. We will find out the complete list of children tomorrow when we have our staff meeting. Even though we didn't get the kids that I wanted, I am excited to work with new ones and I hope I can touch their lives too. I am especially excited to work with the 4 year olds this year.

I've been getting a lot done these past few days. I know I will miss this time. Jacob and Jenna have been SO GOOD these past few days. I even got groceries today with no problems. It's not that Joshua is bad, because he isn't, it's just that you put the third child in there, and everything breaks loose! If I took Jacob out of the mix, or Jenna, it would be the same way. Anyway, I have done some baking, laundry, changing kids sheets, I went through the winter clothes to see what the boys had and need, cleaned out the boy's dresser, mow grass etc. During carpool line I have been working on my book for church and I am glad I have this down time as I am behind an next week is the meeting.