Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How To Beat The Heat

It is so hot this week! It will hit the 100's this week, and that isn't even factoring in the humidity. There wasn't much we could do yesterday but stay around the house. The kids went out a little but came back in after 10 minutes. They start driving me a little bonkers because I really wasn't prepared to be locked into the house all day. Today, we might join Michelle and Bryson at the library for story time. She said they were supposed to have a helicopter there so that will keep them entertained. I think she said Ronald McDonald and a magic show would be there tomorrow, so I think I will take them. I know they would really enjoy that and we will be in the AC.
Tonight is FINALLY the last night of T-ball!!! The boys are excited to get their trophies and they are also having a pizza party before for the kids, so they are all thrilled. Oh, my update about the tooth fairy.....I am off the hook!!! He COMPLETELY forgot about the money (I could have really gotten off easy huh?). I was able to go in there after he woke up and take the tooth and put some money under his pillow. He wants to save his money for the beach next week! I can't wait for our family vacation to the beach!!!! Next year I hope not to wait till the end of summer, but you know waited the first week when the rates dropped back down.....hey....we were able to stay an extra day because of it!!!


sara said...

OH, WOW I didn't know you were going to the beach! FUN!