Friday, August 17, 2007

Just Another Blog Day.....

I finally got caught up on laundry. I woke up and changed the sheets on my bed, and threw in the last load! Jenna and I went to one yard sale and then over to Chick Fil A to meet Sara and Michelle for Michelle's birthday. We also stopped at Petsmart to look at things, and it has put doubts in my mind about getting the puppy. From what I read, Beagles are great with kids. I found out how much supplies would be just to get started.....a bed, a chain, something to keep him in the back yard, food, toys, and then there are the vet bills......all the initial shots. I am torn. I would really like a dog, but we might have to put the dog on hold. I guess things just depend on how big of a fit Jacob has about it. Now granted, he doesn't run the show, and a fit doesn't mean he gets his way, however, we talked about it all week at the beach, including names, taking care of a dog, if he is really upset about it, we might just have to bite the bullet and get one. It's never going to get cheaper. So, right now, I am torn, and I guess Jack and I and the kids will all talk about it. I'd like to give Monica an answer concerning the dog. I am trying to get things cleaned up around her. I got on my hands and knees and scrubbed the floor (although it is still dirty) and now I think I will tackle the rest of the rooms. Jack and Jacob are off getting tires for the truck.