Friday, August 10, 2007


It's Friday evening and it has been one of those weeks. Maybe it's because we haven't gotten out much, I don't know. All three of the kids have been whining and crying and fussing all week! I don't know if they are overly tired, or if it's the heat or what, but I am going nuts!! I left to drop something off at Sara's house and Joshua fell apart right before we left. He hasn't quit since. I meaning boo-hooing over little things (you would think it was PMS or something). I haven't seen my kids like this in a long time. I couldn't even go to church Wednesday night because it was so bad, and here it is Friday night.....FAMILY NIGHT....and I think they will have to go to bed at 8 tonight. I don't know what else to do. I thought a night of pampering would help, and it did for a little while, but the kids are right back into this cycle. I just hope it's the heat or that they are tired. School hasn't even started yet. Take me away please!!! I didn't think 6 year olds would have such melt downs!!! Anyone else have these troubles?


fillup said...

Yes, the heat is mostly to blame. It is too hot to be outside and kids will drive you nuts in no time at all in the house!!! Just think, tomorrow you go away to Myrtle Beach and the kids and you and Jack will really have a good time, and hate to come home. Jack and Philip were to go fishing today and Joshua and then the other two, Jacob and Jenna to go for boat rides, so we will look forward to being together next week. I will miss the kids this week and will be glad to see them again next weekend.

Tiffany said...

Yea... it's the heat... I've been the same way!!