Friday, August 3, 2007

Another Task Mastered

Finally!!!! Joshua can tie his shoes (Jack if you read this, act surprised....he really is excited to tell you). He should have known how to do this before kindergarten, but with shoes now these days with velcro, zips and everything else, we didn't really push the issue. I have been showing him last week and some days this week how to do it, and he would come so close and then just tune me out. Today, he went into his room all by himself and did it without me knowing and has done it 4 other times since! I am so excited! Whew! I dread doing all this again (learning to ride a bike, loosing teeth, and learning to tie) with Jacob!!! Later today I'll go out and try to find him some new shoes for school. School doesn't start for another 3 weeks, but I should go ahead and take advantage of the sales and the tax free weekend!!!


sara said...

Great Job Josh!! We will have to get on that too!

Jack said...

That's my boy!! I am so proud!