Tuesday, April 24, 2007

101 Reasons Why......

Jenna took this picture!
I could talk about my 4:30 workout or Joshua's soccer or our plans for today, (I'll do that tomorrow) but this one is dedicated to Jack! Happy Tuesday!!! The other day I was writing in a book and he asked me what I was doing. I said I was writing 101 reasons why I loved him. (which I really wasn't). He told me I couldn't list that many, but darling, I took you up on the challenge and here it is. Some of it might be repetitive, and some might be goofy, but there are so many reasons why I love you!.........

101 Reasons I love Jack:

He loves me
he is a Christian
he loves God
he wants to do God’s will
he protects me
he takes care of me
he provides everything we need
he is cute
he is handsome
he is funny
he loves to joke around
he loves to have a good time
he works hard
he loves his job
he loves his kids
he is a good friend
he is a good brother
he is a good father
he is a good husband
he is a good son/son in law
he sticks to his goals
he sticks to his standards
he is a leader
he is concerned for me
he accepts me for who I am
he forgives me
he adores me
he will help anyone
he is content
he is always striving to be better
he always tries to find the positive
he is faithful
he is loyal
he is true
he is devoted
he is kind
he is gentle
he has self control
he is not selfish
he has integrity
he can fix things.
he is strong
he has nice muscles
he is trustworthy
he is smart
he is talented
he is understanding
he motivates me
he is tenderhearted
he is a great role model
he is a great teacher
he is a good listener
he is MY best friend
he is my dream come true
he stands by me
he is successful
he is sweet
he is joyful
he is not judging
he is satisfied with what God has given him
he memorizes scripture
he is a good student
he doesn’t let me go through things alone
he respects me and others
he is proud of his family
he keeps his promises
he is loved
he is a good kisser
he is full of energy
he is the leader of the house
he is stubborn (in a good way)
he doesn’t hold a grudge
he holds my hand
he loves a challenge
he demonstrates the fruit of the spirit
he is creative
he is my cheerleader
he has great self esteem
he can keep a secret
he is amazing
he has been the same size since I met him
he is accepting
he is an angel
he settles any arguments
he respects authority
he is awesome
he isn’t bald or gray (I’d love you anyway)
he believes
he hopes
he dreams
he doesn’t get bitter
he is a blessing
he doesn’t boast
he is calm
he is the perfect catch
he can put up with my mood swings
he is full of passion for life
he is full of confidence
he keeps his eyes on Christ
he persevers
he is focused
He is all this and more. He is my gift from God. He is my every dream come true. I love you for all of this and more! I love you!

I couldn't get the numbers to copy, but actually there is 102! Happy Tuesday!!!


Jack said...

What? Just 102? Just kidding I am speechless! I don't know if I live up to all those nice things you said but I am very flattered! I love you so much and these words don't do justice to how I really feel. I pray to God that I can love you even more and better through Him and that I can be the best husband possible for you. I'm crazy about you and am very blessed to have you as my wife! I love you with all my heart! Jacky

sara said...

AWWWWWWWW I will have to contain myself and not call him Jacky!!!! Very sweet- I know that your kids will be very blessed to be able to read this in the future.

fillup said...

And, I might you list about him...

"Mom and Dad are proud you married me, as they love you very much."