Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Art Door

We use the doors in our kitchen as our art doors. The kids have been bringing home so much lately. I love to keep it, but I can't keep everything. I do keep the big stuff, like most of this on our door. Today we have egg hunts at preschool. That should make for a short day. Joshua also has an egg hunt and party. I didn't think I would be able to go as two sitters backed out on me and then everyone I asked couldn't watch Jacob and Jenna for me. My mom is coming to the rescue. I feel bad that she has to drive all the way out here by herself, but mom you are a lifesaver. Thank you! I hate not being able to go to Joshua's things too. I usually don't have this hard of time finding someone to watch them. Tomorrow is officially Spring Break....but it won't be spring break for me! I love having all three of them home, but I am sure it will be a little more work. I don't even have any activities planned. At least Jack will be off for a couple of days!


fillup said...

I saw your drawings yesterday, and they are so good!!! Jenna, Jacob and Joshua, you are doing great jobs! Proud of you!