Tuesday, April 10, 2007

To Diet or not to Diet.......

To diet or not to diet....that is the question! I really need to lose 10 pounds in two months. Nothing magical or special about two months, just something I need to do. I really don't like the way I look. I figured 5 pounds per month is reasonable. The first 5 usually come right off anyway. Now....can I stay motivated? My problem is that I love to go to the gym, but just don't get there like I would like too. I can't get motivated in the cold to get up and go at 4:30 am. I also worry because my membership expires next month and I don't know if we will have the money for me to renew. The biggest problem however, is that I LOVE to eat!!!Food and I are best friends at times. I am also an emotional eater. When things get crazy, I go in for a snack. When I am lonely or sad, I eat. When I have had a stressful day with the kids and they are sleeping, I go in for "my" time. I swear if I didn't snack, I would probably be thin. I lost so much weight only to gain it back. I don't know if I should commit myself to this goal or not. I also know we have a big birthday this Friday and of course we will have cake and eat out, a shower on Saturday with more cake (and you know how I LOVE marble cake with whipped icing!!!). I guess as long as you are sensible and eat in moderation, you don't have to deny yourself of food. So, let me go out on a limb, like Sara, and try for the magical 1o lbs by June 15th. (that gives me a couple of extra days, especially since I have blown today). I'll put it on my calendar to post my update on that date.


sara said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!