Sunday, April 15, 2007

What My Kids Say

I have to write these down when they say them so that I can look back one day and remember. Like yesterday. Jack changed the oil in his car. I wish you could hear Jacob say it. I need to video him saying it. It's more like..."are you going to change the o-yell?

Joshua was riding in the van yesterday and out of the blue asked "Does Uncle Mark have a mom"? Jack said "yes...who do you think it is?" Joshua thought for a few minutes and said "Aunt Catrina?" He hasn't gotten the concept that the three of us share the same mom, and I think he has a hard time thinking that "grandma" is my mom!!!

These pictures are for you Jen. Here is Jenna opening your gift!!!


Unknown said...

Awww, that was nice of you to post that for me. Now I need to see her all dolled up!