Wednesday, April 4, 2007

A Wonderful Birthday

Ok, back to reality. I was princess for the day, and now we are back to normal again. I did have a wonderful day. Dinner alone with Jack was great. I LOVED the cheese fries! Thank you mom, for watching the kids. Thank you Jack, for arranging things with my mom so that we could have a birthday celebration. Thank you everyone, for the birthday wishes and all the gifts. After all the celebration, I scrambled to get the kids to bed. We had to leave at 7:15 this morning. Jack and I had a conference with Joshua's teacher, Ms. Beasley. Things went really well. If kindergarten ended today, he would be ready for first grade. He has met all his goals, so right now they are just pushing him so that he will be even more ahead for first grade. I was so relieved to hear this. I was also pleased that she handled a situation that occured so well. I feel that she went above and beyond what I expected. I prayed hard for months that God would give Joshua the best teacher/the teacher that would work best with Joshua, and I feel that God really answered our prayers. Sara, that was one area that I didn't realize was so important, until I read that section in the book "The Power of Praying Parent.


Jack said...

Glad you had a great birthday my young bride! I'm proud of Joshua. He's really done well.

fillup said...

So glad you had a good birthday! You deserve it! You are a wonderful mother and wife! And, we are so pleased you put God first in your lives and teaching our grandchildren about Jesus! We are glad too that Jack ask us to keep the kids while you and Jack could go out to eat in your "special place." We always enjoy the kids, and they enjoyed eating with us, as we tried something new for them (Col. Sanders cooked a potato bowl) and they kids enjoyed it! They could hardly wait until you got home so they could have cake and ice cream and sing to you. We enjoyed the kids so much, and cherish those moments with them, as when they grow older, they have so many things to do that we don't get to see them often then. We are so blessed of God to have 5 wonderful grandchildren and 1 great grandson! We are proud of you Jennifer, and we love Jack so much and thank God that He gave you a wonderful husband and dad!

sara said...

well I saw it......38!!!!! That's not too old!

That is great that the Lord answered your prayers for Josh's teacher! I know, the more I read the the books the more I find that I need to pray for.