Friday, April 20, 2007

The Never Ending Job

Yesterday after preschool, I decided to REALLY clean the kitchen. I put things away, scrubbed, disinfected etc. Then I made dinner....a simple dinner (chicken nuggets and french fries because Jack has class) and I came back in there, and all my work is gone. You couldn't even tell that I cleaned. There were dishes to be washed, crumbs all over the floor etc. I just kinda hung my head and wondered if it were all in vain. I'd like for Jack to come home and know that I really did do something with my time (although he NEVER says anything or criticizes me).

On a brighter note.....I got Jenna a Barbie Jeep yesterday. I got a deal on Craigs List. She was a little scared of it last night. I have got YARD SALE FEVER! I am so EXCITED to get out tomorrow. I am a woman on a mission. I hope to find some good stuff to re-sell. I hope to find Joshua and Jacob some clothes because they REALLY need some summer clothes!! I hope to find me some things too! After that, I think that I will just take some time to myself and go shopping. Jack has got some other things to do, and some things to help his brother with, so I am taking some much deserved me time. I know that probably sounds very selfish, but after being in the house all week, I just need to get out!! It's also family night...Jacob's turn. I think we are renting Curious George!


sara said...

I love that little jeep- I know they will enjoy it! Let me know how the yard sales go.

Thanks for the reminder about Curious George....we may have to get a movie tonight too...Wes has an earache- so we can't go out and do much.