Sunday, April 8, 2007

An Easter Surprise

We were able to pull it off!! My brother came from Ohio and surprised my mom and dad. I really thought my kids would blow the surprise, but they didn't. Even this morning when mom and dad got to church first, I told them not to say anything about Uncle Mark coming and they didn't! Anyway, my brother, Mark, came in Saturday afternoon. He came over to our house around 5 Saturday and played with the kids and ate dinner. We made Saturday night family night this week since he was here. The kids played with him, watched "Cars" and made "snores". They were exhausted when he left. Today, my parents came to church and were sitting there. They turned around and there was my brother! I was so happy we pulled it off. We went to my sister's house today for Easter dinner, and like always, she puts on a feast. I ate way to much, but it was nice to be with family. I'll post more pictures tomorrow.


fillup said...

You sure pulled it off for sure! I had thought a few weeks back that I wouldn't put it past Mark to come down sometime and surprise us! We sure enjoyed going to church with Jennifer and Jack and the kids, and then to turn around and see Mark!! What a wonderful surprise and to have all our kids and grandchildren and great grandson all together! That pleased us so much! We realize we are getting older, so really cherish all the moments we can get together as a family!!!! So, praise goes to God for the wonderful weekend! Josh and Jake sure has a good time with Uncle Mark!

The kids all looked so good all dressed up!

It all gave Dad and I a wonderful "lift" that we needed.
