Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday Thoughts

I can't believe the weekend is over again! I enjoyed it. Jack and I put the kids down at 8 pm Saturday and then watched a movie we rented. It was a good, but sad movie. (definitely not a chick flick!) Sunday we went to church. I went and worked out, but I can tell the workouts are getting harder and I am getting out of shape. I am not going to aerobics tomorrow because the teacher is having revival at her church and won't be there.

So, today is Monday, the start of a new week. I have realized that even though I have been totally exhausted lately, I just have to start getting up early. I need time to get myself together and then shower and things like that before the kids get up. I know that is going to be hard. I even thought about getting up again and working out at 4:30 am because my membership ends in a few weeks.

I have gotten a lot done today. I am caught up on the laundry, I made the beds (i usually don't make the kids beds because they take naps) and I mowed the front yard. I did most of it by the rider but I did use the push mower too. I try to do stuff like that so that Jack and I have more time together.

Jacob and Jenna have been arguing over the jeep. This morning they didn't get to ride until 10:30 because they kept fighting. I am having a hard time with Jacob right now. He is the sweetest boy, but he really tests me right now and we have the "battle of the wills". He is also famous for his temper tantrums. I don't know why people call it the terrible twos, because for me it's the threes. I hope in a month he will get better since he is almost 4. I also realize Jenna just turned 3, so it may be a long year!!!


sara said...

Only in the South does your aerobics teacher cancel due to a revival meeting!

I think it is just the "terrible growing up years!!!" That is because the kids seem to have some kind of issues at each age.