Thursday, January 18, 2007

Answered Prayer

I know...two posts in one day, but I am so excited!!! We found our Bible Story book!! (if you missed the details, see Monday, January 15th and my saga) The kids are so excited to hear "Night Light's" next Bible story. The kids were the best I have seen them in a long time. We went into the boy's room and I climbed up on Josh's bed and ripped off the sheets. Of course, it wasn't there. I went ahead and put clean sheets on while I was there. I checked the entire closet. Joshua and Jenna emptied the entire toy box and them put everything back in. I checked every dresser drawer. Jacob kept telling me "God knows where it is". I was going to move to Jenna's room next but came out the the living room. I checked the cushions one more time and then I moved the entire couch out and there was the book!! I don't know how we missed it the first time, but we are so excited to have our book back. I am excited because the kids have been praying that we would find it and we finally did!!! I hope next time I lose something it won't take me almost a week to find it!