Saturday, January 20, 2007

Happy Homecoming

I didn't think Jack was going to get home last night. His flight from California got delayed over 3 hours!! Luckily, he managed to get a flight to Chicago and then to Raleigh. He got in at 9 instead of 7:45. The kids and I went to the airport to surprise him. We went one time to surprise him and this time we went down to the baggage claim so he wouldn't know we were there. He looked for us at the top and figured since it was so late and I hadn't said anything we weren't there. I swear, I felt like a newlywed again with the warm welcome I received at the airport. I was really missed!! Of course, he was really missed too. The kids were so excited to see daddy. Today, Jack and I left around 11 am to have our "date night" (only during the day). We went to Carolina Ale House and had lunch and then went to Toys R Us, Best Buy, Old Navy, the mall and Target. It was so much fun. Tonight Jenna said she wanted to play bingo and play play doh. It will be fun regardless what we do. I am just so glad to have him back!! Thanks, Tiffany for watching the kids for us to get out! I am anxiously awaiting our dates next month!!!


sara said...

I know you are happy to have hubby back! You are sweet to load up all the kids and go to the airport!

Where is Old Navy???

Do you still want to get together to play on Monday? We haven't talked about it for awhile- and the weather may be bad- but either way, we could be up for it, just let me know.