Thursday, January 18, 2007

First Winter Blast

I was hoping for no school today. I hate driving in this stuff, but I guess Clayton isn't as bad as the other areas. I wonder if Sunday night will be as bad as this stuff was. I guess this isn't bad, it's just a hassle for me! I had an easy day at preschool as only 3 kids showed up. I guess no one wanted to get out. At 10 am, one of my other boys showed up, so we finally ended up with 4 so it was still a good day.


Tiffany said...

That looks worse than what we got. They just didn't want to cancel school here because it's an exam make up day for high school and it's hard to reschedule that!

Unknown said...

It is so pretty! I wish it would have covered the ground like that here! I hope it is worse on Sunday, personally! I love this kind of weather. I hope you get around safely today!