Thursday, January 4, 2007

My Joshua

Joshua is having a hard time getting back into the routine. He is doing fine at school, but even though I put him down at 7:30, he doesn't want to get up and is struggling in the mornings. Once he gets going, he is fine, but I still worry about the little guy. Maybe in two years I'll start homeschooling and he can sleep a little bit.

Last night, we were talking about some of his friends and he mentioned Leah. He said..."Mommy...Leah is really cute!" Oh no! Please don't start this young!!!


Jack said...

No not yet! Danger! Danger! Will Roberson!

Dave Mincy said...

We have missed you at church, Jennifer. I've been keeping up with your blog, though, so I know the kids have been sick, etc. Hurry back! BTW, I think you guys are doing a good job with Joshua...I enjoy kidding around with him and talking to him...he is always respectful...and fun :-)