Monday, January 22, 2007


We had a great weekend together. My computer is still acting up, and I hope to get the issue resolved soon. I know nothing about computers, except how to turn them on and off. That is totally Jack's department. It makes met get a little on edge because I like to blog, and I like talking to my friends and family. It gets a little lonely around the house when you have no one to talk too except kid talk!

My kids did a great job last night in Kids4Truth. The verses lately seem to be more on their level and more attainable. Joshua is very excited about his patches he has earned. Joshua, we are proud of you too!!


Unknown said...

Great to hear it Jennifer! May your precious kiddos grow up to be soldiers for our Lord Jesus Christ. I praise God that you're putting them in the way for God to richly bless their lives.

Please let them know that "Big Bob" is very happy to see how well they're doing and to KEEP IT UP!

Bob Roberts, Director Kids 4 Truth